New Customizable, Reusable Yard/Window sign just in

Today I  picked up the prototype for my new sign. It is customizable, editable and reusable! And it was made at MinuteMan Press in Minneapolis, a black owned, Union print shop.

Because it is plastic you can add your own words or art-work using “permanent” markers (e.g. Sharpies) which won’t come off in the rain, And it will come off with denatured alcohol or Williams Lectric Shave. So now we can make our own signs to show what you stand up for, take a photo of your creation and post it.

Stand Up Daily Does Not Mean Standing Up EVERY Day

TO CLARIFY: There seems to be some misunderstanding because of the title I chose for the website – the phrase Stand Up Daily may have people thinking the Stand Up strategy asks folks to stand up every day. Rather, it is meant to be about some Americans across the country standing up some days somewhere in America. It is not necessarily about any one person or any group standing up every day. My apologies for this misconception but I think I may be stuck with this language. If I could change the domain name, what would you suggest?

An example, Greta Thunberg has chosen Fridays for Youth Climate Strikes, other groups can pick different days of the week or maybe a Tuesday once a month, or on the full moon or at some annual event. What ever schedule or frequency a group would like.

With so many groups in the country it is likely that there could be many Americans standing up most days of the year, if not every day.

Imagine the buzz, the excitement, the hope it would create across America knowing that somewhere, every day, We-the-People are standing up for America dramatically and nonviolently, enough to NAG our do-nothing politicians to do their damn jobs without needing to riot in the streets (hopefully). Aho!

September is a BIG month

Greta Thunberg is in the United States. Climate Strikes on September 20 are happening in America and around the world. The 2nd annual “10 Days Free From Violence” actions are happening in the Twin Cities and posted on the Twin Cities Nonviolent website.

The Walk For Planet Peace in honor of Gandhi’s 150th Birthday is on Saturday Sept. 21.

This website is now more focused on Standing Up (Daily) instead of on the Moment Of Silence being the recommended action to do.

The Green New Deal – Powerful & Essential & Huge with 80% popularity in America

Hello, From my Minnesota perspective, I see 3 levels of the Green New Deal: The Minnesota GND, a National GND & a Global GND.

For Minnesota, it is MN Can’t Wait, our youth and Congressman Frank Hornstein and Senator Scott Dibble leading the charge. A bill is being developed.

Nationally, it is Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey’s non-binding Resolution for a Green New Deal. The GND has the support of 80% of Americans. And the youth lead Sunrise Movement is empowering young Americans to pledge and show up at the presidential debates to make sure that the Climate Change is a major topic.

Globally, check out the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

In general, today’s GND is like FDR’s New Deal of the 1940s in that it is immense and will evolve over time. And things must happen very quickly as America did when the nation focused all effort on preparing for and fighting WW II.

Original Post

Hello We-The-People of these United States, this website and my work are inspired by today’s students and by my experience in NYC at the 2014 People’s Climate March when 500,000 of us at 12:58 PM stopped our marching, quelled our drumming, quit our singing and paused our chanting to put our hands in the air for a couple minutes of silence. Some held up the peace symbol, others a Nelson Mandela fist and many held hands.

We were united, we were powerful and we were completely peaceful. It was spine-tingling, sweet and fun-tastic all at once. The Stand Up, Hands Up, Moment of Silence TOOL is a highly effective, nonviolent action to get attention and win hearts without creating unnecessary animosity or give police a reason to get involved.

And for a STRATEGY to empower the 99%, do these flashmob-like actions on a DAILY basis as much as possible anywhere and everywhere there are groups of people together. And be focused on one National American Goal (NAG) at a time.

What was missing for me for this plan ever since the inspirational 2014  Moment of Silence was clarity about which goal should be our first, one that would succeed (get the needed legislation made into law) and inspire We-the-People to take on our next NAG.

And now that the students have started this “Enough is Enough” movement and for everyone to vote, let us follow them and support their efforts as passionately and wisely as possible where NAG # 1 is GOTV – Get Out The Vote NOW. Let us all do our part to help them win as quickly as and as lovingly as possible.
