Original Post

Hello We-The-People of these United States, this website and my work are inspired by today’s students and by my experience in NYC at the 2014 People’s Climate March when 500,000 of us at 12:58 PM stopped our marching, quelled our drumming, quit our singing and paused our chanting to put our hands in the air for a couple minutes of silence. Some held up the peace symbol, others a Nelson Mandela fist and many held hands.

We were united, we were powerful and we were completely peaceful. It was spine-tingling, sweet and fun-tastic all at once. The Stand Up, Hands Up, Moment of Silence TOOL is a highly effective, nonviolent action to get attention and win hearts without creating unnecessary animosity or give police a reason to get involved.

And for a STRATEGY to empower the 99%, do these flashmob-like actions on a DAILY basis as much as possible anywhere and everywhere there are groups of people together. And be focused on one National American Goal (NAG) at a time.

What was missing for me for this plan ever since the inspirational 2014  Moment of Silence was clarity about which goal should be our first, one that would succeed (get the needed legislation made into law) and inspire We-the-People to take on our next NAG.

And now that the students have started this “Enough is Enough” movement and for everyone to vote, let us follow them and support their efforts as passionately and wisely as possible where NAG # 1 is GOTV – Get Out The Vote NOW. Let us all do our part to help them win as quickly as and as lovingly as possible.
