The Circle Process

The Circle Process comes from indigenous American traditions of being in circle with neighbors, classmates, co-workers, in criminal justice cases, around the kitchen table, etc. to respectfully make peace, create solutions, brainstorm new ideas and to resolve conflicts using a ‘talking piece’. Recognizing that conflict is a normal part of life (and not to be ignored) when conflicts are resolved respectfully then individual relationships can be improved and the life of the community enriched, happier and safer.

Get a copy of “The Little Book of CIRCLE PROCESSES – A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking” by Kay Pranis who was a restorative justice planner for the Minnesota Department of Corrections and led trainings across the United States. Available here.      Kay also co-authored “PEACEMAKING CIRCLES – From Crime to Community” with Judge Barry Stuart and Mark Wedge who shared this first nation wisdom internationally. Available from Living Justice Press.